Local Services
Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association
For over 70 years UWFRA has been rescuing people and animals from the caves, mineshafts, fells and crags of Wharfedale, Nidderdale, Littondale and Mid-Airedale.
Threshfield Parish Council
Clerk to the Council: David Duthie Email: clerk@threshfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk Website:Â https://www.threshfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk/
Threshfield Court
Threshfield Court provides exceptional 24-hour nursing care for older people in need of support. Alongside this, they offer specialist dementia support in their Memory Lane Community, which has received recognition for providing and sustaining high quality care. Tel: 01756 752 200 Website: https://www.barchester.com/home/threshfield-court-care-home
Linton Parish Council
Louise Coverdale - Clerk Tel: 07742 293390 Email: clerk@lintonparishcouncil.org.uk Website: http://www.lintonparishcouncil.org.uk/
Kettlewell Parish Council
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Louise Close Email: kettlewellstarbottonclerk@gmail.com Telephone: 07900 928113
Ilkley Moor Medical Practice
Springs Lane, Ilkley, LS29 8TH Tel: 01943 605999 Website: https://www.igmedical.co.uk/
Grassington Pharmacy
Boots, 9 Station Road, Grassington, BD23 5LS Tel: 01756 752338 Opening hours as at 23rd March 2020 Open to the public 9:30am – 5pm. Short lunch break between 1pm – 1:30pm There will be someone in the building from 8:30am until 6pm, but they will be using this time to...
Grassington Parish Council
Clerk to the Council: Mrs L Close Tel: 07900 928113 Email: grassingtonclerk@gmail.com Website: https://grassingtonpc.co.uk/
Mrs L Close - grassingtonclerk@gmail.com 07900928113
Grassington Medical Centre
9 Station Road, Grassington, BD23 5LS Tel: 01756 752313 Website: https://www.igmedical.co.uk/
Grassington Fire Station
Old Council Yard, Threshfield, BD23 5AT Tel: 01609 780150 (headquarters) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GRA.NYFRS/
Grassington Dental Care
9 Station Road, Grassington, BD23 5LS Tel: 01756 753782 Website: http://www.grassingtondentalcare.co.uk/
Gills Top
Anchor’s Gills Top in Grassington is a trusted provider of residential care for elderly people and they offer specialised services for elderly people who have physical and mental frailty. Tel: 0800 0854318 Website: https://www.anchorhanover.org.uk/our-properties/gills-top-skipton
Dales Community Care
Dales Community Care is based at Sig Barn which is situated in the village of Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales. Their community care service offers quality care to people within their own homes in the local community Tel: 01756 753303 Email: info@dalescommunitycare.co.uk Website: http://dalescommunitycare.co.uk/
Carers Resource
Carers’ Resource provides support for carers, no matter what their age, race, religion or needs.
Skipton Office - 01756700888
Buckden Parish Council
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Louise Close Email: buckdenclerk@gmail.com Telephone: 07900 928113